Hello Fellas! I'm

Owais Ansari,

I'm a Passionate

About Me

You will find a little intro about me and the skills and technologies I use daily.

Want to know me?

I am a Full Stack Developer based in Karachi, Pakistan. With a passion for crafting comprehensive and user-centric solutions, I have established a solid foundation in both front-end and back-end development, working with a range of technologies, including React, Next.js, Node.js, and MongoDB.

I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at NED University, where I've acquired a deep understanding of software development principles and gained hands-on experience with various programming languages and tools.

I am thrilled to showcase my work and skills through this platform and eagerly anticipate opportunities to collaborate on future projects.

Contact Me

Skills and Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Styled-components
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express js
  • MongoDB
  • Next.js
  • Git
  • Github
  • Bootstrap
  • C++
  • Python
  • Angular
  • C#
  • On Page SEO
  • Google AdSense
  • Google Analytics


These are some of the projects I built to practice and get better at the technologies mentioned above.

  • NED Admission Cell - One-stop shop for students seeking admission to NED University.

    Developed a ReactJS-based website to assist prospective students throughout the NED admission process.

    Utilized SEO best practices to achieve first-page Google ranking for relevant keywords

    Deployed it using GoDaddy domain and hosting services.

    • Reactjs
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • NodeJS
  • Coming Soon!- Experience the perfect fit for your footy game.

    Whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out, our footywear will help you up your game. With innovative features and stylish design, our shoes offer unbeatable performance and comfort on the field.

    • Reactjs
    • Next JS
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Material UI
    • React Toastify
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • Express
    • MongoDB
    • NodeJS
  • Text Analyzer - Web application that performs many text manipulation fucntions.

    A text analyzer built using React JS is an excellent addition to any developer's portfolio. With this tool, you can analyze text data and extract valuable insights such as word count, reading level, sentiment analysis, and more.

    React JS's component-based architecture allows for easy management of different parts of the interface, making it simple to build and maintain.

    • Reactjs
    • CSS
    • HTML
    • Bootstrap
  • Gennovative Solutions Website - Where Innovation Meets Excellence.

    A website presenting innovative solutions, services, and the collaborative work of a dedicated team.

    • HTML
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Lets Pass•••• - Instantly generate a secure, random password with the LetsPass online tool

    LetsPass is an online tool built using React that instantly generates a secure, random password for users. It utilizes several React hooks to implement various features and functionalities.

    By leveraging the power of hooks, LetsPass provides users with a simple and secure solution for generating strong passwords on the fly.

    • Reactjs
    • JavaScript
    • CSS
    • Bootstrap
  • Number Guessing Game - Let's Guess Our Computer Generated Number.

    Developed a JavaScript number-guessing game with random number generation and user input.

    The number guessing game generates a random number within a given range, prompts the player to guess the number, and provides feedback on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct. The game ends when the player correctly guesses the number.

    • JavaScript
    • HTML
    • CSS

Check out my other cool projects I built when I started learning about web development.

Check my resume